Low calorie hummus wrap

This has become a staple for me during prep and with good reason, it checks all the boxes:
Delicious ✔️
Filling ✔️
Nutrient dense ✔️
Easy ✔️

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 1 Flat Out flatbread

  • Protein of your choosing (I’ve been loving it with Daring Chicken, Beyond steak strips, or Upton’s Natural Seitan Chorizo)

  • 2 tbs of hummus

  • Toppings/sides to preference: mushrooms, tomatoes, arugula, cucumbers


Cook protein source as instructed. You can add mushrooms to this or cook separately if you choose.

LIGHTLY toast flatbread, emphasis on light.

Add protein, mushrooms, tomatoes, and arugula to the flatbread.

I like to put a side of hummus and cucumbers, but you can also throw that into the wrap if you prefer.

Nutrition facts will vary based on what you choose to use for protein & toppings, macros below do not include the arugula or cucumbers.

With Beyond steak strips:
323 calories - 32 grams carbs, 31 grams protein, 13 grams fat, 16 grams fiber

With Daring chicken:
288 calories - 32 grams carbs, 31 grams protein, 10 grams fat, 21 grams fiber

With Upton chorizo seitan:
285 calories - 31 grams carbs, 32 grams protein, 8 grams fat, 15 grams fiber


pho? ramen? tofu noodle soup!


EGG, SAUSAGE, “mcmuffin” MAGIC