Meet Haleigh

I founded Straightforward Fitness after struggling with fitness for many years. I have done it all: meal plans, low carb, sub 1,000 calorie diets, circuit training, cardio, fat burners, waist trainers, etc., and after all of that, I was left with a horrible relationship with food and the least healthy I’ve ever been.

In today’s society, new diets and workout trends pop up left and right, and it has become increasingly difficult for the average person to know what to do. Some people swear by low carb, others say Paleo, then another person says Whole 30. One person says do circuit training, the next says HIIT cardio, then someone else will swear by Pilates.

The thing is, there is no ONE way. What works for one person probably will not work for the next. Everyone is different. They have different lifestyles, different preferences, and different goals. Unfortunately, the media tends to push the same fad diets, and many people struggle to follow these strict and rigid plans. Ultimately people that manage to lose weight using these extreme methods gain most if not all of it back, which leads to feelings of defeat and frustration.

I wanted to create a community where people could see results without all the confusion. A simple, straightforward approach to health and fitness. No gimmicks, no pills, no extreme methods, no eliminating food groups. I meet you where you are at and take the time to build sustainable, long-term habits without depriving you of your favorite foods.

I am a NASM certified personal trainer and nutritionist. I have learned from some of the best leaders in the industry, and received continuing education in mindset, biomechanics, hormones, and more. I work with my clients on their mindset around food and exercise, losing fat, building muscle, improving health markers, and confidence in the gym. I do not believe in restricting foods or taking extreme methods but instead focus on a slow and sustainable approach that leaves clients feeling successful and confident in themselves and their choices.